“Havia também uma profetisa, Ana, filha de Fanuel, da tribo de Aser. Era já avançada em idade, tendo vivido com o marido sete anos desde a sua virgindade; e era viúva, de quase oitenta e quatro anos. Não se afastava do templo, mas adorava a Deus noite e dia em jejuns e orações. Chegando ela na mesma hora, deu graças a Deus, e falou a respeito do menino a todos os que esperavam a redenção de Jerusalém.” Lucas 2:36-38
A profetisa Ana é uma dessas mulheres fascinantes, que a vida nos reserva, pouco se fala dela, somente três versículos bíblicos, mas é o suficiente para descrever um pouco da vida, do caráter e das suas qualidades.
Uma mulher que exala o bom perfume de Cristo, e uma inspiradora de vida dedicada a Deus.
Se pudéssemos descrever a síntese da vida de Ana, poderíamos assim destacar: UMA MULHER ADORADORA E COMPLETAMENTE APAIXONADA POR DEUS.
Ana, seu nome significa Graça, Favor, era da tribo de Aser, (que significa: felicidade), Gn 30:13, embora sua tribo tenha sido levada para o cativeiro da Assíria, em 722 a.C., nunca tivesse retornado oficialmente, genealogias foram preservadas e devolvidas à Terra Prometida, de tal modo que se conhecia a linhagem a que ela pertencia. Ana era uma remanescente de sua tribo nas terras de Israel. Uma mulher separada para o serviço do Senhor.
O texto diz que Ana viveu sete anos com seu marido, e depois que ele morreu, ela já era viúva há 84 anos, não se casou novamente e não se apartava do templo noite e dia, em jejuns e orações diárias na presença de Deus.
Na apresentação de Jesus no templo Ana teria aproximadamente 103 a 106 anos de idade.
Como uma mulher de Israel era liberada para o casamento a partir de 12 anos de idade. Ana ficara viúva com 19 a 21 anos de idade, aproximadamente, ou seja, em pleno apogeu de sua mocidade. Diferentemente das demais jovens de sua idade, Ana toma a decisão de servir ao seu Deus totalmente.
A Bíblia não diz que ela não teve filhos, mas isso é pouco provável, pois bem cedo, as mulheres de Israel eram contempladas com filhos.
Creio que o evangelista Lucas inspirado pelo Espírito Santo, destaca a vida dessa mulher para que nós aprendamos como nossas vidas devem ser dedicadas ao Deus Todo Poderoso, e como são preciosas e inspiradoras as qualidades daqueles que devotam sua vida totalmente a Deus.
Qualidades que se destacam na vida de Ana:
- Conservada virgem para seu marido. “tendo vivido com o marido sete anos desde a sua virgindade;” Vs 36
- Fiel ao compromisso de fidelidade ao seu marido, mesmo depois da morte. ” e era viúva, de quase oitenta e quatro anos.” Vs 37
“ Deus honra a mulher de um marido só” Pr José Pereira Couto.
Hoje com o relativismo das relações, principalmente de casamento tem se tornado cada vez mais raro esse tipo de atitude.
3. Desprovida de desejos carnais. (ela poderia ter se entregado aos prazeres carnais, ou vivendo na ansiedade de um novo relacionamento). Seu alvo maior era servir a Deus. I Tm 5:3-16
4. Uma mulher de fé. (priorizava Deus acima de tudo). Mt 6:33
5. Uma mulher de esperança. (esperava a salvação de Israel que viria através de Jesus Cristo).
6. Amava a casa de Deus. “ …Esta não apartava do templo nem de dia, nem de noite”. Vs 37
O nome de Ana poderia de chamado de Salmo 84. “ Quão amáveis são os teus tabernáculos, a minha alma suspira e desfalece pelos átrios do Senhor.”
No templo se cultiva intimidade com Deus. “ A intimidade do Senhor, é para os que o temem, aos quais ele dará a conhecer a sua aliança.” Salmo 25:14
No templo temos revelações da parte de Deus. “ A revelação das tuas palavras esclarece, e dá entendimento aos simples”. Salmo 119:130
No templo podemos adorar, louvar. “…mas adorava a Deus noite e dia em jejuns e orações.” Vs 37
No templo podemos derramar nossos corações diante daquele que conhece as nossas necessidades e as nossas aflições, e os nossos anseios e desejos.
“ Pois um dia nos teus átrios vale mais que mil, prefiro está a porta da casa de meu Deus a permanecer nas tendas da perversidade.”. Salmo 84:10 Ana levava sério estas palavras do salmista, na presença de Deus não se perde tempo, é um grande investimento que fazemos em nossa vida, e nas vidas daqueles dos quais amamos. “Eu amo a habitação de tua casa e o lugar onde a tua glória assiste.” Salmo 26:8
No Templo Ana alimentava seu espírito e sua alma era satisfeita. “Tu me farás ver os caminhos da vida; na tua presença há plenitude de alegria, na tua destra delícias perpetuamente.” Salmo 16:11
No templo é o lugar onde o Salvador se revela, e a salvação chega aos homens. Ana encontrou o seu Salvador no templo.
Quantos em Israel, não tiveram a fé, para perceber que o Cristo, estava se apresentando no templo? Somente os que esperam com fé é que conseguem ter revelações profundas da parte de Deus.
7. Uma profetisa de Deus. “Chegando ela na mesma hora, deu graças a Deus, e falou a respeito do menino a todos os que esperavam a redenção de Jerusalém.” Lucas 2:38
Profeta é aquele que fala a palavra de Deus, é um enviado, escolhido por Deus para esse serviço. O dom de profecia hoje é muito comum, mas nos dias do nascimento de Jesus, não existiam profetas reconhecidos. Ainda existiam o que os teólogos chamam de silêncio profético. (400 anos antes do nascimento de Cristo).
Mas o evangelista Lucas, chama Ana de profetisa, porque naqueles dias Deus estava preparando o seu povo para o recebimento do Salvador Jesus.
Existiam muitos religiosos em Israel, mas Deus escolheu Ana para ser portadora das boas novas de Salvação. Ana foi separada por Deus, porque amava e buscava a Sua presença.
Profetas são escolhidos por Deus, primeiramente para estarem na sua presença, para ouvi-lo e para anunciar a mensagem de salvação.” O profeta que tem um sonho, conte o sonho, e o que tem a minha palavra, fale a minha palavra com fidelidade. Pois o que tem a palha com o trigo?, pergunta o Senhor. Não é a minha palavra como o fogo, pergunta o Senhor, e como um martelo que despedaça a rocha?” Jeremias 23:28-29; I Pedro 4:11
Profetas são escolhidos para levarem a palavra da salvação que cura, salva, e liberta os homens de seus pecados e doenças. Isaias 61
Deus está levantando nesses dias uma geração de profetas para anunciarem a boa nova de salvação, no meio de um povo que necessita de Jesus como salvador de suas vidas.
Ana, idosa, muito provável não viu Jesus exercendo o seu ministério na terra, mas ela teve o privilégio de anunciar aos presentes no templo o motivo maior de sua vida: Jesus, o seu salvador, aquele a quem ela tanto pregava, estava diante dela. Ela já podia descansar em paz.
Aos que crêem em Jesus, serão salvos, aos que o rejeitam serão condenados, essa era a mensagem de Ana, essa é a mensagem de todo o profeta de Deus. “Quem nele crê não é condenado, mas quem não crê já está condenado, por não crer no nome do Filho Unigênito de Deus.” João 3:18
Que a vida e as qualidades de Ana te inspirem a devotar tua vida na presença de Deus em louvor e adoração, diária.
**************************EM INGLÊS************************************
"There was also a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher. It was a great age, having lived with an husband seven years from her virginity, and she was a widow of about fourscore and four years. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. And she coming in that instant gave thanks to God, and spoke of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. "Luke 2:36-38
The prophetess Anna is one of these fascinating women, that life holds, little is said about it, only three Bible verses, but it is enough to describe a little of the life, character and qualities.
A woman who exudes the fragrance of Christ, and inspiring a life dedicated to God.
If we describe the synthesis of the life of Ana, so we highlight: A WOMAN worshipful and COMPLETELY IN LOVE FOR GOD.
Ana, his name means Grace, Favor, the tribe of Asher (which means happiness), Genesis 30:13, although his tribe has been taken into captivity in Assyria in 722 BC, had never officially returned, genealogies were preserved and returned to the Promised Land, so that if he knew the lineage to which she belonged. Ana was a remnant of his tribe in the land of Israel. A woman set apart for the Lord's service.
The text says she spent seven years with her husband, and after he died, she was a widow for 84 years, never married again and did not depart from the temple night and day, fasting and daily prayers in the presence of God.
In the presentation of Jesus in the temple Ana would have approximately 103 to 106 years old.
As a woman of Israel was released for marriage from 12 years of age. Ana widowed on 19 to 21 years of age, approximately, ie, at the height of his youth. Unlike other young people her age, Ana decides to serve his God totally.
The Bible does not say that she had no children, but this is unlikely, because very soon, the women of Israel were covered with children.
I believe that the evangelist Luke inspired by the Holy Spirit, highlights the life of this woman so that we learn how our lives should be dedicated to Almighty God, and how they are precious and inspiring qualities of those who devote their lives entirely to God.
Qualities that stand out in the life of Anne:
Kept virgin for her husband. "Having lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;" Vs 36
True to the commitment of fidelity to her husband even after death."And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years." Vs 37
"God honors the wife of one husband only" Pr José Couto Pereira.
Today with the relativism of relationships, especially marriage has become increasingly rare that kind of attitude.
3. Devoid of carnal desires. (She might have indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, or living in the anxiety of a new relationship).His major goal was to serve God. I Timothy 5:3-16
4. A woman of faith. (Prioritized God above all). Mt 6:33
5. A woman of hope. (Waiting for the salvation of Israel would come through Jesus Christ).
6. He loved God's house. "... This does not depart from the temple neither day nor night." Vs 37
The name of Ana could call Psalm 84. "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O my soul longs and faints for the courts of the Lord."
In the Temple cultivates intimacy with God. "The intimacy of the Lord is with them that fear him, which he will announce his covenant." Psalm 25:14
In the temple we have revelations from God. "The unfolding of your words clarifies and gives understanding to the simple." Psalm 119:130
In the temple we worship, praise. "... But worshiped night and day, fasting and praying." Vs 37
In the temple we pour out our hearts before Him who knows our needs and our sorrows and our yearnings and desires.
"For a day in your courts than a thousand, I prefer is the door of the house of my God to stay in the tents of wickedness.". Psalm 84:10 Ana took seriously the words of the Psalmist, in the presence of God does not waste time, is a great investment we make in our lives and the lives of those we love. "I love the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honor dwelleth." Psalm 26:8
In the Temple Ana fed his spirit and his soul was satisfied. "You will show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Psalm 16:11
In the temple is the place where the Saviour is revealed, and salvation comes to men. Ana found their savior in the temple.
How many in Israel, had no faith, to realize that Christ was performing at the temple? Only those who wait in faith that achieve profound revelations from God.
7. A prophet of God. "And she coming in that instant gave thanks to God, and spoke of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." Luke 2:38
Prophet is one who speaks the word of God, is a messenger chosen by God for this service. The gift of prophecy today is very common, but in the days of Jesus' birth, there were no prophets recognized. Although there were what theologians call the prophetic silence. (400 years before the birth of Christ).
But the evangelist Luke, Ana called a prophet, because in those days God was preparing his people to receive the Savior Jesus.
There were many religious people in Israel, but God chose Anne to be the bearer of good news of salvation. Ana was separated from God, because he loved and sought his presence.
Prophets are chosen by God, first for being in his presence, to hear him and to proclaim the message of salvation. "The prophet who has a dream tell the dream, and who has my word speak my word faithfully . For what is the chaff to the wheat? Declares the Lord. It is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer which shatters a rock? "Jeremiah 23:28-29, I Peter 4:11
Prophets are chosen to take the word of salvation that heals, saves, and frees men from their sins and diseases. Isaiah 61
These days God is raising up a generation of prophets to proclaim the good news of salvation in the midst of a people who need Jesus as savior of their lives.
Ana, elderly, very likely did not see Jesus exercising his ministry on earth, but she had the privilege to announce to those present in the temple the reason most of his life: Jesus, their savior, whom she so preached, before it was . She could rest in peace.
Those who believe in Jesus are saved, those who reject it will be condemned, that was the message of Anne, that's the message of all God's prophet. "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because they do not believe in the name of the only Son of God." John 3:18
That life and the qualities of Hannah inspire you to devote your life in God's presence in praise and worship daily.
The prophetess Anna is one of these fascinating women, that life holds, little is said about it, only three Bible verses, but it is enough to describe a little of the life, character and qualities.
A woman who exudes the fragrance of Christ, and inspiring a life dedicated to God.
If we describe the synthesis of the life of Ana, so we highlight: A WOMAN worshipful and COMPLETELY IN LOVE FOR GOD.
Ana, his name means Grace, Favor, the tribe of Asher (which means happiness), Genesis 30:13, although his tribe has been taken into captivity in Assyria in 722 BC, had never officially returned, genealogies were preserved and returned to the Promised Land, so that if he knew the lineage to which she belonged. Ana was a remnant of his tribe in the land of Israel. A woman set apart for the Lord's service.
The text says she spent seven years with her husband, and after he died, she was a widow for 84 years, never married again and did not depart from the temple night and day, fasting and daily prayers in the presence of God.
In the presentation of Jesus in the temple Ana would have approximately 103 to 106 years old.
As a woman of Israel was released for marriage from 12 years of age. Ana widowed on 19 to 21 years of age, approximately, ie, at the height of his youth. Unlike other young people her age, Ana decides to serve his God totally.
The Bible does not say that she had no children, but this is unlikely, because very soon, the women of Israel were covered with children.
I believe that the evangelist Luke inspired by the Holy Spirit, highlights the life of this woman so that we learn how our lives should be dedicated to Almighty God, and how they are precious and inspiring qualities of those who devote their lives entirely to God.
Qualities that stand out in the life of Anne:
Kept virgin for her husband. "Having lived with an husband seven years from her virginity;" Vs 36
True to the commitment of fidelity to her husband even after death."And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years." Vs 37
"God honors the wife of one husband only" Pr José Couto Pereira.
Today with the relativism of relationships, especially marriage has become increasingly rare that kind of attitude.
3. Devoid of carnal desires. (She might have indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, or living in the anxiety of a new relationship).His major goal was to serve God. I Timothy 5:3-16
4. A woman of faith. (Prioritized God above all). Mt 6:33
5. A woman of hope. (Waiting for the salvation of Israel would come through Jesus Christ).
6. He loved God's house. "... This does not depart from the temple neither day nor night." Vs 37
The name of Ana could call Psalm 84. "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O my soul longs and faints for the courts of the Lord."
In the Temple cultivates intimacy with God. "The intimacy of the Lord is with them that fear him, which he will announce his covenant." Psalm 25:14
In the temple we have revelations from God. "The unfolding of your words clarifies and gives understanding to the simple." Psalm 119:130
In the temple we worship, praise. "... But worshiped night and day, fasting and praying." Vs 37
In the temple we pour out our hearts before Him who knows our needs and our sorrows and our yearnings and desires.
"For a day in your courts than a thousand, I prefer is the door of the house of my God to stay in the tents of wickedness.". Psalm 84:10 Ana took seriously the words of the Psalmist, in the presence of God does not waste time, is a great investment we make in our lives and the lives of those we love. "I love the habitation of thy house and the place where thine honor dwelleth." Psalm 26:8
In the Temple Ana fed his spirit and his soul was satisfied. "You will show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Psalm 16:11
In the temple is the place where the Saviour is revealed, and salvation comes to men. Ana found their savior in the temple.
How many in Israel, had no faith, to realize that Christ was performing at the temple? Only those who wait in faith that achieve profound revelations from God.
7. A prophet of God. "And she coming in that instant gave thanks to God, and spoke of Him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." Luke 2:38
Prophet is one who speaks the word of God, is a messenger chosen by God for this service. The gift of prophecy today is very common, but in the days of Jesus' birth, there were no prophets recognized. Although there were what theologians call the prophetic silence. (400 years before the birth of Christ).
But the evangelist Luke, Ana called a prophet, because in those days God was preparing his people to receive the Savior Jesus.
There were many religious people in Israel, but God chose Anne to be the bearer of good news of salvation. Ana was separated from God, because he loved and sought his presence.
Prophets are chosen by God, first for being in his presence, to hear him and to proclaim the message of salvation. "The prophet who has a dream tell the dream, and who has my word speak my word faithfully . For what is the chaff to the wheat? Declares the Lord. It is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer which shatters a rock? "Jeremiah 23:28-29, I Peter 4:11
Prophets are chosen to take the word of salvation that heals, saves, and frees men from their sins and diseases. Isaiah 61
These days God is raising up a generation of prophets to proclaim the good news of salvation in the midst of a people who need Jesus as savior of their lives.
Ana, elderly, very likely did not see Jesus exercising his ministry on earth, but she had the privilege to announce to those present in the temple the reason most of his life: Jesus, their savior, whom she so preached, before it was . She could rest in peace.
Those who believe in Jesus are saved, those who reject it will be condemned, that was the message of Anne, that's the message of all God's prophet. "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because they do not believe in the name of the only Son of God." John 3:18
That life and the qualities of Hannah inspire you to devote your life in God's presence in praise and worship daily.